Tuesday, April 18, 2017


 The Charming man had many prejudices throughout the film. Racism was a mainly shown during the film, the Danish against the Muslim immigrants. This is common in American society, as we see racism between many races such as Caucasian and African American, and it tends to be directed both ways. Another prejudice shown in the film was social class, the main character was a peasant girl who was from the country, different from her co-star Lars who was from a higher class from the suburbs. In America people tend to look down on individuals from smaller towns and cities, assuming they are less educated and poor.             
In the film a Muslim man was turned down for a job simply due to his ethnicity, even though he was more than qualified. We have seen many people of the Muslim background get dirty looks or chosen for TSA screenings at the airport, all because of their ethnicity. The film depicted woman only as receptionist, and teachers, while the men were cast as engineers, or bartenders. The same issues arise in American jobs, there are women turned down for mechanic jobs, or have to work hard to gain the respect of their male co-workers in certain jobs. Men have also been overlooked in Teacher positions, especially in early learning programs.
At one point we saw Lars bringing flowers to the woman he loved, and while doing so the other men sort of pointed and laughed, as if he were being unmanly by bringing a woman flowers. In today's society men tend to get ridiculed if they are frequent gym goers or, love to participate in or watch sport, Women also get looks of distaste from other women if they enjoy men's sports, or are very active and muscular in stature. The movie had many parallels to American culture and its struggle with indifference.

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